I have successfully engineered thousands of events and shows over the last 20 years. Some of my personal favorites were:

Dual Mixers

 The Sound of Music- Theatre Workshop of Nantucket, Directed by Justin Cerne

For this production I had to link two analog mixers together to control all of the mics needed for this production.

I also had to use dual mixers for Penobscot Theatre’s production of Matilda linking a Behringer X32 to a Midas M32 to achieve the number of inputs needed for the full cast and pit.

Fun Home- The Penobscot Theatre Directed by Tricia A. Hobbs

While I loved mixing this incredible musical every night, the real challenge kicked in one night when the mixer froze. I quickly grabbed my iPad and mixed the whole show remotely and never missed a line. The audience never knew that anything had gone wrong. It was an incredibly stressful situation that has turned into a great story.

Maytag Virgin- Gulfshore Playhouse, Directed by Jeffery Binder

This show was very exciting as it was a more intimate venue. I could really play with the sound and manipulate it in many different ways to fill the theatre with the sounds of a rural countryside and still balance the non-amplified actors dialogue.

Palace Theatre, Waterbury Connecticut


Touring Sound Engineer- Starquest Performing Arts Competition

For six months, I toured the country working sound for these competitions. I got to control the audio in some amazing theatres and venues all over the country. Every event was different and exciting and kept me on my toes coming up with transition music in between acts that fit the theme of the performance we had just seen. I have been lucky enough to work in 20 different states since beginning my career.

Outdoor Events


I have done many events outside, both in very public spaces and intimate backyards. These events always bring new and exciting challenges to an audio engineer, as many of the surrounding noises and interferences are out of their control. I observe the full space and make sure that everyone gets an amazing show every time.

Ground Breaking Event- Gulfshore Playhouse

This event was a new challenge for me as it was outside on a busy street. I was able to deliver a perfect sounding show to everyone at the event without going over the noise regulations of the city, but still blocking out the street noise in the background.